If you’re expecting a new baby and you already have a toddler in toe or if you’ve found our you’re expecting twins then a Double Pushchair is likely on your shopping list.

But with some many on the market, how do you find the right one for you and your family? Do you opt for a tandem buggy or a side-by-side design? How heavy is it going to be? Will it fit through the doors of the bus or in my car boot? What is the best price?

To help you, we’ve rounded up some of our favourite double buggies on the market to suit a variety of lifestyles and budgets.

Price Comparison!

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1. My Babiie, Dreamiie by Samantha Faiers MB22 Twin

The My Babiie Dreamiie by Samantha Faiers MB22 Twin Stroller follows the rest of the My Babiie range in being both stylish and practical at the same time.

Designed to be used from birth it has a full recline and is suitable for use until your little ones weigh 15kg. This stroller is designed in collaboration with TOWIE superstar Samantha Faiers – this superb pram turns heads as it turns corners with its eye-catching pattern.

The seat unit, as well as having a multi-position backrest offers a padded adjustable leg rest too. There is also a removable padded bumper bar and a 3 position extendable hood – the hood even has a handy storage pocket in the back! The seat units can be reclined independently of each other.

Getting down underneath the seat unit you will find lockable front swivel wheels with suspension on both sets of wheels too. There is also a large basket, perfect for all of those shopping trips.

It is really easy and lightweight to push, it folds down compactly to store and has a side carry handle. It also comes with a free rain cover and 2 cup holders so there is no need to purchase extras!

Compare prices of the My Babiie Dreamiie by Samantha Faiers MB22 Twin Stroller here.

My Babiie, Dreamiie by Samantha Faiers MB22 Twin Stroller

2. Hauck, Duett 3 Tandem Pushchair 

With its many combination options, the Hauck, Duett 3 provides the ideal companion from the very beginning. The clever design of the Duett 3 means that your little ones sit inline rather than next to each other meaning it is much easier to get around, no worrying if it will fit through a door or in a lift!

Your precious newborn will be safe and secure in the cosy carrycot whilst your older child rides along in the lower seat.

The innovative carry cot can be converted to a sporty (fully reversible) pushchair seat and the second seat is fully removable, so if one child has outgrown the need for a pushchair, simply remove the bottom seat and you have a single pushchair!

Featuring a light aluminium chassis, puncture-proof comfort tyres and lockable front swivel wheels this tandem pushchair provides a comfortable ride and drive on all surfaces.

A second carrycot is also available and fits onto the attachments for the bottom seat so it’s also perfect for your twin babies.

Compare prices of the Hauck Duett 3 Tandem Pushchair here.

Hauck, Duett 3 Tandem Pushchair – Melange Charcoal

3. UPPAbaby, Vista V2

The UPPAbaby Vista V2 is a stylish stroller, ideal for a growing family. Suitable from Birth to 22kg. Supplied with everything you need for one child, it can also be converted to carry two children of the same or different ages.

Complete with a carrycot that can be used for overnight sleeping, a seat unit and weather protection for both, your child can travel in style without compromising on comfort.

Designed for practical use for young families, this pushchair has suspension on all wheels making a smooth ride and easy to manoeuvre. It also has an adjustable handle height and real leather handle and bumper bar covers. An extendable hood on the seat and pop out shade on the carrycot shield against the sun whilst the large capacity basket is perfect for storing all your daytime essentials.

This beautiful white marl colourway called Bryce comes with chestnut leather accents and is sure to turn heads on the street.

Compare prices of the UPPAbaby, Vista V2, here.

UPPAbaby, Vista V2 Pushchair and Carrycot, Bryce

4. Mountain Buggy, Duet Luxury Twin Pushchair

Perfect for siblings or twins, the Duet is suitable from birth (up to 18kg) straight out of the box without a carrycot or cocoon.

The Mountain Buggy Duet is an ultra-slim double buggy, being a mere 63cm – it’s the footprint of a single buggy! It’s compact, and even more so if you take off the quick release wheels so is great for fitting in your car boot or for storing at home.

The suspension of the air-filled tyres makes it a dream to push on uneven paths in the mountains or on asphalt in the streets of the city. Thanks to the swivel front wheels, the Duet is easy to steer and push. For uneven terrain, the front wheels can be easily locked and there is a handbrake on the adjustable handlebar.

The Luxury Collection offers refined styling in the beautiful Herringbone colourway which is a weave material to provide that luxury style and feel.

Compare prices of the Mountain Buggy, Duet Luxury Collection here.

Mountain Buggy. Duet Luxury Collection, Herringbone

5. Out N About, Little Nipper Double

Weighing in at only 11kg the Out ‘n’ About Little Nipper Double prides itself as being one of the lightest double buggies on the market. With a compact fold and a width of 72cm, it’s extremely useful for getting on public transport as well as through standard sized doors.

It’s suitable from birth, thanks to its lie-flat recline, but can also be used with one or two carrycots for the optimum safe and snug ride for your little one.

With a combination of EVA puncture-proof tyres, all around suspension, lockable front swivel wheels mean your little ones will have a smooth ride on all terrains and it’s light to push.

The individually positionable sun canopies have peek-a-boo windows along with handy storage pockets, and with accessories like the hinged padded bumper bar, shopping basket and raincover included, this is an excellent value item.

Available in Jet Black, Poppy Red and Marine Blue.

Compare prices of the Out N About, Little Nipper Double, here.

Out N About, Little Nipper Double, Poppy Red

6. Graco, Stadium Duo Tandem

This Graco Stadium Duo pushchair is suitable from birth to 3 years.

The back seat of the tandem (birth to 3 years) is slightly raised, giving your baby a great view of the world. The front seat (6 months to 3 years) can also be reclined for extra comfort. The rear seat has 4 recline positions while the front has 2 so they don’t squash the little one riding in the rear!

The Stadium Duo offers some amazing features including a one-hand folding mechanism, a removable tray for both the front and rear seats to keep their snacks and drinks to hand there is also and for the parents there is a large basket underneath for carrying all of those essentials.

The Stadium Duo accepts two Graco infant car seats for Travel System compatibility with Graco SnugRide/Essentials infant car seats easily attaching to the tandem frame with just one click.

What is great is the one-handed fold which you may not expect on a double pushchair making folding it super simple. There are double wheels on the front which are lockable for going over rougher terrain too. 

Compare prices of the Graco, Stadium Duo Tandem pushchair here.

Graco, Stadium Duo Tandem pushchair in Black/Grey

7. Bugaboo, Donkey Duo

The Bugaboo Donkey 3 Duo is a double pushchair that can also be converted into a single pushchair in only three clicks. The side by side double stroller is ideal for your infant and toddler. It effortlessly adapts to life on the go with two young children.

Ideal for getting around at only 60 cm wide in the single pushchair mode, and 74 cm in the double or twin pushchair composition, the Bugaboo Donkey 3 fits through standard doorways without any hassle.

Easy to push and maneuver even if fully loaded, this pushchair can hold the weight of your infant and toddler—as you take on every twist and turn on the way, and go up or down curbs. You can also carry all your groceries and essential items in the large underseat basket.

Featuring independent reversible and reclinable seats, the Bugaboo Donkey 3 Duo offers equal comfort for your children. The side by side composition allows your infant and toddler to connect and explore together, especially when seats are placed facing each other.

If you’re heading out with one child, you can quickly and easily convert it to a single pushchair with extra storage.

Compare prices of the Bugaboo Donkey Duo here.

Bugaboo, Donkey 3 Duo, Black

8. iCandy, Peach Twin

The world famous iCandy Peach is a luxury, multi-functional single to double pushchair. Not only a style icon complemented with incredible functionality, it can also carry two children on the one frame within a single pushchair footprint.

Now in its sixth generation, the iCandy Peach is the choice of parents who demand cutting edge design and style that lasts. Famous for its one handed fold, incorporated carrystrap and fashion forward colours, the Peach can easily convert into a double pushchair with the use of innovative adaptors and other accessories.

Every element of the Peach has been crafted to ensure perfection in functionality, quality and safety. From the very first push, with its high quality aluminium frame, you’ll immediately notice the ultra-smooth ride and effortless manoeuvrability.

Compare prices of the Peach Twin here.

iCandy, Peach Twin, Dark Grey Twill (Phantom)

9. Baby Jogger, City Tour 2 Double 

The City Tour 2 Double Stroller makes getting around town with two kids easier than ever! It has a lightweight design that fits through a standard doorway and features an ultra-compact fold.

The City Tour 2 can be used from birth with the addition of a Carry Cot. This fully featured stroller includes 2 comfortable padded seats with multiple recline positions as well as adjustable calf supports and UV 50+ canopies.

Add-on accessories allow for easy customisation of the City Tour 2 Double stroller, so you’re equipped to carry on with your day, wherever it may lead you.

Compare prices of the Baby Jogger, City Tour 2 Double here.

Baby Jogger, City Tour 2 Double, Seacrest

10. Red Kite, Push Me Twini

The Red Kite Push Me Twini is a study twin-seated stroller with independent reclining seats and 4 wheels to ensure even weight distribution and excellent manoeuvrability. Suitable from birth to approx. 15kg.

Both seats feature a 5-point harness and multiple lie-back options for new-borns and sleepy babies and can be adjusted independent from each other. The large hood includes zipped sections for extended cover.

The Push Me Twini also comes with 2 all-weather cosy footmuffs, bumper bars, full rain cover and a large under-seat shopping basket for storing all your essentials.

For added convenience, the Push Me Twini folds down to a compact size for easy transportation and storage and has the added bonus of fitting comfortably through a standard interior doorway when fully assembled.

Compare prices of the The Red Kite Push Me Twini here.

Red Kite Push Me Twini

11. Chicco, Echo Twin

The Echo is a stroller designed to meet the demands of dynamic mums searching for a modern stylish product, which is practical and user-friendly for everyday use when out and about with their baby.

Attention has been paid to every single detail, from the embroidered seat, to the look of the wheels customised with the Echo logo. The two seats, suitable from birth, are spacious and have independently adjustable backrests, leg rests and hoods making them ideal for a newborn and toddler.

Backrests can be adjusted with one hand to four different positions.The 5 point safety harness features shoulder strap pads. The stroller has soft covered handles and for ease of manoeuvring lockable front swivel wheels.

It’s easy to open and close, once closed the lightweight frame folds down to a compact size and has a carry handle making transport easy. It comes complete with foldable summer / winter hood, raincover and shopping basket.

Compare prices of the Chicco, Echo Twin here.

Chicco, Echo Twin

12. Cosatto, Supa Dupa Twin

The Cosatto Supa Dupa rocks two independently reclining seats with newborn lie-back plus two reclining luxury leg rests for snug siblings. 

This lightweight stroller has a handy umbrella fold and carry handle so you can hop on and off transport with ease, plus there’s a viewing window for your child to see the world.

The Supa Dupa is all about ease, with one-handed multi-recline seat, adjustable calf support and an easy-access large shopping basket. All this, plus a handy storage pocket on the back, ultra-durable auto-lock wheels and the full suspension brings manoeuvrability and comfort.

With UPF100+ extendable ventilated hoods, rain covers and reversible fleece-lined footmuffs, Cosatto Supa Dupa is ready for any weather.

Crafted with hidden extras and Cosatto’s famous storytelling patterns, kids love sitting in the Supa Dupa from Cosatto. 

Compare prices of the Cosatto Supa Dupa, here.

Cosatto Supa Dupa, Bro and Sis 6

Will the buggy fit in my car?

Our online tool will tell you whether your Buggy should fit in your Car Boot and in what position or orientation it will fit,  find out here.